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Our baby girl… got ear tubes.

6 Apr

Our sweet baby girl had to get ear tubes yesterday. And of course, I had to document every second that I could. It was really early in the morning (7:30… which is really early for us) and she was hungry and still tired. No eating from 2:00 am the night before surgery until after the surgery because of the anesthesia. When we handed her off to the nurse, she started screaming… and apparently didn’t stop  screaming until they knocked her out. The doctor informed us we have an “angry” little baby… I totally disagree. She isn’t angry, she just has a hot temper and doesn’t like strangers! Thankfully, everything went perfect and we hope for no more darn persistent ear infections! And, another positive, she slept through the night last night, all night… she hasn’t done that for over 10 months! Here is our brave little 15 month old, Bradley Kate.

miss abigail and big brother gabe {Lynchburg, VA-newborn and family photographer}

6 Apr

I am so excited to share this session. I had the privilege of photographing the Morris family during Katrina’s pregnancy, so I was THRILLED when I received the call that Abigail had arrived and they were ready to set up a newborn session. Only ten days old and absolutely beautiful beyond words! Her big brother, Gabe, was so proud to hold her and was so sweet to Abigail during the entire session. I loved every minute of this session and the pictures turned even better than I could have asked for. I was trying to narrow down my very favorites… but I still have quite a few to share! Enjoy!

Franklin Family {Lynchburg, VA-Family Photographper}

30 Mar

We had beautiful weather and a beautiful family… we couldn’t ask for more! We captured some amazing family pictures and these babies were so good during our session! Caleb (baby boy) was so good for us throughout the entire session, and Olivia (big sis) kept the party alive, she’s so sweet and filled with tons of personality. Here are a few of my favorites:

A few from our previous newborn session.

Wingfield Pregnancy Session {Lynchburg, VA-Family Photographer}

29 Mar

A super fun pregnancy session with Lindsay and Justin! Their excitement is so contagious as they cannot wait to meet their baby! And Lindsey was glowing the entire session! They are not finding out the gender of the baby, and the suspense makes it all that much more exciting! Please enjoy a few of my favorite images from our session!

Davis Family {Lynchburg, VA-family photographer}

28 Mar

I had such a wonderful time photographing this adorable little man and his family last week. This little guy was amazing to photograph… he had the best temperament! I love newborn sessions… there is nothing like 10 pounds of pure cuteness! I also captured some images of the new big sis… who was also extremely photogenic! Here are a few of my favorites!

2011 Women’s Show

24 Mar

A couple of weeks ago, I participated in The Women’s Show. This show was held inside Liberty University’s Tolsma Indoor Track and was hosted by Kim Jennings of Lynchburg Shows. There were over 170 vendors present and it was an all around successful show. It was so nice meeting so many super nice ladies (and a fair share of men came through as well, who were also very nice). As the show was coming to an end, my husband came by with my little girl, Bradley, and we snapped a few images of our display.

Family Session {Lynchburg, VA-family photographer}

27 Feb

I had the opportunity to photograph this wonderful family last weekend. This was a very special family session- a new baby in the family! Please enjoy some of my favorite photographs from this sweet family session.

The new addition!


The entire family


Great Grandmothers

the ladies…

the men…

Lil, Brock, & Lil b

22 Feb


Bradley’s Cake Smash {Lynchburg, VA-Children photographer}

30 Jan

Bradley is already ONE. We thought it would be fun to celebrate her first birthday with a Cake Smash Session! I absolutely love the idea of documenting a one year old with their very own cake… 🙂 Bradley loves sweets, but during our cake smash session, she just wasn’t feeling it! She preferred to eat a few sprinkles and just paint the icing on her leg… which still made for some adorable pictures. We are going to make Cake Smashing a tradition for any children in our future and then get our favorite photo from the session printed on a mug as a keepsake. Here are a few photos of our precious baby girl. We love her oh so much!!!


Franklin Newborn Session {Lynchburg, VA-Newborn Photographer}

14 Jan

This was such a fun newborn session… I mean, look at this precious little boy! And he did so well for the entire session. I just love newborns… so sweet! Here are a few of my favorite pictures from our session.

“all done!”